Everything began in 2005 at the DUZI
(Duisburger Zinnfigurenbörse) where we had already made exhibitions of our historical dioramas with great success for some years.
Here the idea was born to try something different for the DUZI 2007, a kind of birthday surprise the fairs 25th anniversary and for Mick Schröder, the organizer, as an appreciation for his cooperation with and support of our projects.
The work got started under the title „No name project“. We were agreed that this time the topic should be a fantasy theme. The lack of 20mm plastic fantasy miniatures was one problem. And then there was the question: What exactly did we want to show? A siege instead of the standard battles on open ground seemed to be nice.
So over time the „No name project“ became „50.000 Orcs „ . Whatever did inspire us to do this? I haven’t got a clue … Nope … really. I swear on my orc honour …. Ok ay … there was that film some years ago ….
and then of course a book. Or was it three ?

Impressive … somehow. I think I saw the movie, well one … or two … and twenty times. Not that often really. Well if your looking for minor inspirations. Alright, we have to admit it turned out to be a tiny, tiny tribute to the father of modern fantasy literature … and the impressive adaption of his epic tale to the movies.
We just had to do this (yes, my precious …)
And so the recuitment started …
. .. and under the influence of the allseeing eye all were forced to succumb under his will and were mercilessly … orcsified.
Without respite the minions of the dark lord were working to build an army worthy of the great enterprise. All sorts of deformed rabble was called to arms … the overlooked and castaways … and they all were tainted by a very dark, dark colour.
Experts will – under closer scrutiny – detect plastic miniatures from almost all manufacturers from all periods which were forced into the ranks of our orcish masses. Rumours have it that some collectors have been heard screaming with disgust and anger, having found single, yeah even priceless rarities amongst the dark masses. These, however, are only very, very nasty rumours told by slanderous tongues … (however, any body who finds one will be awarded a homemade cookie …)
So what once was creature of light was turned into …

oops, sorry, wrong tetxt. Always this nasty white wizard, always dirsturbing our thoughts …)
So, what were we about to say? Ah, yes: Evil creatures from all lands and even from beyond time and space assembled under the dark colours. Some even came from beyond the white mountains of neutral Switzerland.
Al long last we couldn’t resist the temptation and include some of these very nice orcs and goblins and trolls and wargs in 28mm from a small producer, which resembled so very much those we had in mind (or was it those we had seen in the movie? We always get so confused). Just a few mind you … and well, perhaps a few more, just some … and then one or two or three … hundred. They are too nice, really … must have them, yes my precious … .
And they can be remodelled too.

After eight years work and expositions at the DUZI 2007, the Mainz Modellbau Fair 2008, the Role Play Convention and the Ring Cons 2009/10/11/12/13
our diorama has grown in size and numbers. And grown …
And so the army of the dark master ist growing and growing and we are eagerly awaiting when we will renew our assault on these nasty walls …
Ah, no no no, we didn’t mean to! No, master, pleeeaaase! We didn’t want to say anything about the date. We knows it was secret … Master? Master!
NOOOOOooooooooo o o o …
To grasp the size with people in the background.